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Those Who Stand in Your Way Only Create Shadows

There is a time in our lives when we begin to shave off parts of who we are. The time is never just once, though. It comes again and again, as we turn a corner in our lives, as we are presented with a new environment or risk, as we stumble down the path into new terrain.

We ask ourselves, “Which spectrum should I show? What is acceptable? And what will allow me to navigate this new terrain without getting embarrassed, ridiculed or vilified?”

Whether you are entering kindergarten, high school or university as a student or a new teacher/professor, whether you are entering a family as an in-law or coming into a company, community or club as a new player, whether you are planning a party or an event or a wedding, trying on clothes or shopping for furniture, beginning an art project or an entrepreneurial business venture, this question is always present.

Those who succeed are those who look within first before looking to evaluate themselves via the status quo. Nothing great was ever born from copying others or from abandoning who we truly are. We can look left and right to learn, but ultimately, what drives that inimitable energy will come from within—what I call the Throughline.

You know you’re on the right path when you feel joy instead of fear. There’s no doubt you need to challenge yourself (I have only to look at my foray into social media to know that’s true!), but if you are getting advice from people who make you feel worse, it’s a good sign you’ve got the wrong mentor; if you are losing energy as you pursue an activity, it’s a good sign this is not your sweet spot (in other words, reevaluate or delegate); and if you are pursuing a business plan that drains you of passion, well, it’s a good sign this is not the best approach.

The power of your Through Line, of your most noble and pure intention, is mind-boggling.  Don’t dim your light by copying others or hiding what makes you unique.

That super-sized full moon was blazing the March 19 weekend because it was reflecting light from the sun. The unbelievable blue-white glow was the result of light bouncing off a rock and dust surface. So take that as a sign of how powerful original light can be.

(Just imagine if the moon were made of tinfoil…we’d be blinded.)

In the last few weeks, I’ve presented keynotes in 3 different countries to over 5,000 people in companies ranging from Insurance (Great-West Life) to Vitamins/Herbal Supplements (Nature’s Sunshine), IT (Datatel) to Healthcare (Atlantic Health), and without fail, those people who are succeeding in each of those groups are those who embrace this approach—each in their own style.

Of course, there will be naysayers along the way, but just remember this: people who stand in your way only create shadows. And if those shadows are big enough, eventually people will look around to see where that light is coming from:  YOU.

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