Tap on each logo to read what clients said about Victoria.

Victoria delivered. Pure and simple. She is funny, poignant, dramatic, visual - in short, the total package. I highly recommend Victoria for a program of any size, for any industry, global or domestic.

Peter Lazaroff,
VP Marketing & Communications
Brilliant. Inspiring. Client centric. And uniquely talented. Not only did Victoria energize and inspire our PayPal team, but her techniques from the performing arts helped us perform at the highest levels...and unlock hidden genius in our top talent.

Hill Ferguson,
Chief Product Officer
The talk and "WOW" of my Sales Meeting. My entire team got great working tools that they can take into their daily lives to make a positive and measurable difference. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for a great performance that we will never forget.

Rob Freeman,
Sales Director
She is direct, insightful, committed, fun to work with and results oriented.
Victoria has been my ace in the hole.

Jon Roskill,
Corporate Vice President
If you're looking for an unforgettable speaker experience, I enthusiastically recommend Victoria Labalme. She'll make you look great! A year later, attendees still reference Victoria's messages.

Sandra Furlong,
Manager, Travel Communications
A huge hit with our sales and management team …. well exceeded our expectations. We have seen an immediate impact on sales activity and new business.

Tom Chelew
Senior Vice President
Thank you for the outstanding presentation you gave to our leadership team. People are still buzzing, talking about how meaningful it was to them. Your messages from that day are still resounding.

Karen Morris,
Communications Manager
Victoria opened our MDRT Annual Convention and captured the imagination of the whole audience. She was a real hit. Incredible value. A can't miss option for any program.

Guy Baker,
A phenomenal job! I don't think I have ever worked with anyone who has so completely and efficiently immersed themselves into our organization and customized their approach to our groups as you have. You were a HUGE hit and you delivered in a big, big way.

Guy Williams,
Director of Dealer Sales
We put Victoria on stage in front of 900 sales and marketing team members. Her extensive preparation allowed her to speak “our language." She was relevant, entertaining, exciting; what more could we ask!?

Steve Ashby,
ASMO Geo Training Manager
In spite of all the time and money I’ve spent on ‘presenters’ I can recall only one – Victoria Labalme. She lit up our stage and her message lives on in the daily lives and actions of my team.

Randy Drake,
 Senior Vice President
McDonald's would like to send a heartfelt thank you for sharing your talents, professionalism, flexibility, open-heart with our 4000+ managers. You can be guaranteed that you will be in their hearts and minds as they lead with presence and with purpose.

Katie Schelp,
Training & Communication Events Manager
Victoria's influence goes far beyond inspiring, and I can't recommend her highly enough. She's helped transform those she's worked with to be more confident, more powerful and more impactful in their communications. Whatever you are thinking of paying her, I guarantee it's worth its value ten-fold.

Kate Hutchison,
Chief Marketing Officer
We brought in Victoria to help us prepare for a $400 million contract. The way she approached the team was truly impressive. We won the contract, and with her help, the next one too. We cannot thank her enough!

Bernard Parisot,
President & CEO
Victoria spent a lot of time researching our company. Her ability to relate to what we go through was truly inspiring. Our attendees talked about her presentation for the next two days.

Martha Fry,
Manager, Trade Shows & Events
Your address was an inspiration to our audience! You left us with a renewed sense of purpose and teamwork, and a fuller appreciation for the vital role customer service plays at HHS's acquisition community.

Nancy Gunderson,
Deputy Assistant Secretary
Victoria captivated the room with her energy and precision. Over 600 people sat riveted as they went from laughing to crying to applauding. The “buzz of enthusiasm” lasted. We're still getting emails about her keynote and the convention’s success.

Fran Goldstein,
Conference Chair
Victoria's insights had a profound impact on how I approach my work. I was so impressed with Victoria and her teachings that I engaged her to work with all of my leadership team and key individuals throughout my organization.

John O'Melia,
Senior Vice President
Our main concern: how to deliver this all-important message to our audience? Well, we found the way: Victoria Labalme.

Tony Paris,
 President, Visualize Inc.
In addition to being thoroughly entertained, I was touched personally with your performance, as were many others in our audience.Your message clearly resonated and you provided us a fantastic finale to our conference.

Karl Krumbholz,
Victoria, you did such a fantastic job at ADP's conference. I was profoundly touched by your artistic performance. In five years of ADP conferences, I can honestly that yours was THE BEST.

Stan Chambers,
Client Advisory Board
2 days after attending Victoria's event, our team had a big presentation. We used the strategies we learned. As a direct result, we landed an over $80 million deal. Our company is buzzing with energy; the engagement among our team members is at a whole new level.

Vera Quinn,
Victoria had entire team at the National Sales Meeting laughing, listening, applauding and most importantly learning. One never forgets a Grand Slam. Victoria rocked the house.

Marty Scirratt,
Senior Vice President Sales
Your information and creativity along with your energetic presentation style captivated our sales associates' attention, while at the same time providing meaningful content for them to take back with them. Thank you, Victoria!

Elton Ash,
Executive Vice President
Relevant, fun, entertaining and practical. Victoria's sessions were consistently rated 5 out of 5. If you're in the business helping people improve their client relationships, Victoria will definitely not disappoint.

Kelley Oke,
Beware! She will not leave you unchanged.

Phil Cubeta,
Chair in Philanthropy
A consummate keynote professional with a truly unique style, Victoria will outperform your expectations. She releases the audience’s full range of emotions through movement, comedy and storytelling. She is whimsical, funny, and very smart.

Cinda L. Daly,
Unquestionably the most inspiring & moving speaker I’ve experienced in my 15 years as CEO. Every person she’s touched within our company has walked away in awe and is now able to realize more of their potential in life. Victoria has done 19 sessions, impacting our entire company throughout N. America.

John Ohanesian,
President & CEO
You were the “WOW” of the conference! You were truly outstanding and made it a great, uplifting experience for everyone! Thanks for an excellent performance.

Deborah Connors,
President & Founder
A tour de force! Awhirlwind performance. It was stunning to see you transform the messaging of your material into points that related so well with our technology-minded audience. Thank you for sharing your skills, talents, abilities, and spirit! A memorable experience.

Tom Taylor,
 Marketing Manager
You not only saved my ass; you made me shine like a star

Caroline Kohles ,
Senior Director
Unlike any other presentation! Victoria completely broke the mold of the typical speaker. She put on a show that wove together customized humor, film, and inspiring theater. People are still talking, and more importantly, practicing her practical and useful tips and techniques!

Jill Kallmeyer,
 VP Organizational Development & Learning
It was amazing to see how you brought your performing arts background to the sales process. From listening, questioning, and of course speaking, you covered it all. Thank you for helping to make our annual sales meeting a huge success.

Steve Bunger,
 President & CEO
Victoria's understanding of why the usual corporate presentation doesn't work, what to do to fix it, and how to capitalize on group dynamics was phenomenal. Fun, engaging & informative. The techniques she taught me were brilliant.

Chris Puco,
Sales Manager
Victoria always made us feel like we were her most valuable client, by giving us special, personalized attention. Participants were excited that SHE knew about THEM and the challenges they face. Victoria helped us reach the next level – and surpass it!!

Adam Palmese,
Senior Administrator
In no uncertain terms Victoria was BRILLIANT! Her enthusiasm and charisma were captivating and engaging. Our attendees were motivated, entertained and trained. She spent the time to understand our needs. A dead-on presentation.

Curtis Hoehne,
Director of Events
Her insights provided a critical edge in winning large client contracts. She is a joy.

Karen van Bergen,
The entire conference was all abuzz! For two days, your wonderfully wise, funny, and moving speech came back to us again and again. It was the perfect start of a great two days...inspired and energized. Thank you for really working to understand the audience. Nobody does it better.

Roxanne McCreery,
Victoria's closing keynote sent our members off with a positive attitude and skills to thrive. She spoke their language, acronyms and all. A consummate artist who captivates an audience with stories, movement and comedy, then ties everything together in a ribbon of practical wisdom.

Arlene H. Olkin,
Irwin Union Bank Logo
Victoria's half day with my senior leadership team was outstanding. Qualitative comments were "amazing", "fantastic" and "pertinent". She spent a great deal of time preparing & customizing. The session far exceeded my expectations.

Brad Kime,
 President, Irwin Financial Corporations
Victoria doesn't just connect; she inspires you to reach for the stars. An amazing, moving experience that will challenge you to look at your skills in an entirely different light.

Todd Fithian,
Victoria has a rare gift to engage and connect with a HealthCare audience so desperately in need of inspiration and a pathway forward. She brilliantly weaves in and models communication skills and strategies that transform her audience every time without fail.

Brian Lee,
CEO & Founder
You have far exceeded my expectations!! You've helped me become a much better absolutely priceless benefit. Your background and perspective are unique, refreshing, and extremely applicable. This will continue to pay dividends for years to come.

Darren Smith,
Senior Vice President
I was completely impressed with how well you listened to what mattered to me, without mouthing the kinds of clichés and trite aphorisms that abound in the speaking industry. Your insights, enthusiasm & encouragement were more than worth the time and cost.

Stephen S. Pappaterra,
Senior Vice President
Victoria Labalme is a true master when it comes to performance skills. Her insights are outstanding. If you're a communicator and you want to get better, Victoria is the answer!

Mark Miller,
Vice President
Whatever you did to unlock it - allowing me to speak from the heart and from my personality - I couldn’t have done it without you. I'll definitely be bringing you in for future speeches. Thank you a million times. It was outstanding.

Nicole Rhind,
VP of Marketing & Sales
Wow! High tech can be perceived as boring or just too complicated. Your tools helped a bunch of uber geeks like us confidently forge ahead. We must communicate with urgency, passion and interesting storytelling. We need more of what you've got.

Michelle Dennedy,
Chief Privacy Officer
Victoria has impacted me in profound ways. It’s really hard to put something like this into words. Inspiring, moving, an amazingly transformational experience that I know will be with me always.

Kristen Hanson,
Senior Director, Global Organization Talent Development
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