Available either as a workshop series (live or virtual)
or a 5-week online course experience

Business Owners ∙ Entrepreneurs ∙ Service Professionals ∙ Sales Teams ∙ Financial Advisors ∙ Lawyers ∙ Managers ∙ Leaders ∙ Staff
what clients say
"Your training was exactly what our team needed to jump start the “post covid” timeline. It not only energized and motivated the team but it clearly has helped them become better sales people and better people. The extra “wow” factor was the new business the team attributed directly towards your training modules. Total of $5.2 million of new annualized business coming from all across North America and across various sales channels."

Rob Freeman
Vice President, AmerCare Royal
"I’m not quite sure I have enough words to describe how well received Victoria’s
workshop presentation was with our participants. They were
FLOORED. The amount of people that just raved about
Victoria and her message was astonishing. Every single person was
connected and engaged the ENTIRE time and mentioned just how much they
took away from every word Victoria spoke. We even had an executive mention just how much he needed a
refresher on the topics Victoria covered! Victoria, it was an honor to meet and
work with you! We hope we can work together again in the future.
Thanks again!”

Kate Schulze
Senior Program Manager, Triple Blitz for HP, Intel & Microsoft
"Just wanted to again thank you for your presentation in Idaho; it was spectacular!! I received feedback from multiple extremely enthusiastic advisors, who really appreciated your message. None of this would have been possible if you had not taken the time to proactively solicit feedback and then act on it. Above and beyond!! Can’t thank you enough!!"

Dmitry Goldin
President & CEO, Royal Alliance
"The power of listening. Last week Jean Kozub and I hosted our Triple Blitz
Winners in Key Largo recognizing their success with Intel Corporation and
Microsoft solutions. Our guest speaker Victoria Labalme was outstanding. Victoria conducted a group exercise on listening that was incredible. (Yes - this is
a skill I can work on). When we take the time to pause and truly listen we gain
nuggets that we might just miss. Our
session taught me it works!"

Todd Gustafson
President, Hewlett Packard Federal & Head of US Public Sector
"Every person she has touched within our company has walked away in awe and is now able to realize more of their potential in life. Victoria has done 19 sessions for Bosley, impacting our entire company throughout North America."

John Ohanesian
President & CEO, Bosley
"Victoria was incredible! A personal learning I've taken home and put to use, and it works!”

Hanna Hedberg
Sales Development Manager, Intel Corporation

- Over 40 high-value video tutorials
- Each video is highly targeted and short, designed for quick consumption
- Unlimited access for whenever you need a quick reference
with 5 high-value modules:

- The Key to Capture a Client / Customer's Attention
- How to Avoid the Biggest Communication Mistake
- Harness Team Talents to Produce Extraordinary Results
- The #1 Tool to Optimize Any Communication
- 3 Techniques to Clarify the Driving Force in Your Communication
- How to Guarantee an Outcome with the KDF Framework
- Two Moments You Can’t Afford to Blow

- The Importance of Listening (Overview, Quotes & Statistics)
- Verbal Listening: 3 Types You Must Understand
- Visceral Listening: Techniques to Set Up Your Space
- Visual Listening: Tools to Listen With Your Eyes
- How to Know When to Speak and When to Stay Silent
- 3 Blocks to Listening and What to Do Instead
- Listening to Oneself: Victoria's Circus Story
- Ultimate Guide to Transformational Listening

- How to Stand Out from the Competition
- How to Talk Less & Land Your Point
- How to Make your Message Stick
- How to Use Emotions & Imagery to Influence Action
- How to Sell in 30 Seconds Using TV Commercial Structure
- How Your Jargon Can Ruin Your Relationship

- Recap of Key Client / Customer Experience Must-Dos
- 6 Techniques to Engage Your Client / Customer
- 10 Critical Ways to Become A Trusted Partner
- How Your Frontline Staff Can Make a Better Impression
- How to Set Up Your Space to Improve Your Sales
- How Your Space Can Create an Immediate Client Connection + 5 Bonus Techniques

- Team: What It Really Means & How to Discover Individual Strengths
- How to Create a Fun & Productive Place to Work
- 10 Tips To Dramatically Upgrade Workplace Professionalism
- Simple Ways to Improve Team Communication
- How to Show Appreciation & Recognition for Team Members
Handling Difficult Conversations Based on the work of Annie Hyman Pratt
Available as an online course. You can buy access for one person here. For group access for your team or organization, please contact us at [email protected].
MORE OF what clients say
"WOW! Victoria is truly amazing. The content is spectacular. The attention to detail is second to none."

Robert S. Fleischacker
CEO, Stonehaven Financial Group Inc.
“I brought Victoria in to deliver one of her HIGH PERFORMANCE COMMUNICATIONS skills workshops to our group of fast-paced and successful CEOs and Presidents. I can’t say enough about how great it was. People left inspired and empowered with actionable skills. On the feedback form, our CEOs rated the relevance of this workshop 5 out of 5!!”

Noah Rickun
President, ETE REMAN & Learning Officer, YPO Wisconsin
"Victoria's knowledge of how to touch clients in a more relevant way is fun, entertaining and practical. Her sessions with our top financial security advisors were consistently rated 5 out of 5. If you're in the business of helping people improve their communication skills and client relationships, Victoria's very engaging sessions will definitely not disappoint."

Kelley Oke
Director, Canada Life
"Her insights provided a critical edge in winning large client contracts. She is a joy."

Karen van Bergen
CEO, Omnicom
"Victoria has helped transform those she's worked with to be more confident, more powerful and more impactful in their communications. Whatever you are thinking of paying her, I guarantee it's worth its value ten-fold."

Kate Hutchison
Chief Marketing Officer, Polycom
"Incredible value. A can't miss option for any program."

Guy Baker
President, Million Dollar Round Table
"Victoria gave me tactical ideas and the courage to stretch. The return on investment for her services and coaching far exceeded expectations!"

Phil Slominski
National Vice President, Canada Life
"Victoria doesn't just connect; she inspires you to reach for the stars. An amazing, moving experience that will challenge you to look at your skills in an entirely different light."

Todd Fithian
CEO, Legacy Advisor Growth Network