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The Creative Approach: Success without a Business Plan

I was in the San Francisco Bay Area last week and had the great fortune to be — in a 24 hour window — with people from Star Wars/Lucas Ranch, Pixar and The Muppets. It was an extraordinary set of hours.

One creative theme that emerged again and again was that some of the best successes came from these creative people working from the inside out…not from trying to make a landmark success or huge profit or from putting together an extensive business plan but rather from trusting creative instincts and ideas — developing these and moving forward.

This approach is not just for artists. Curiously enough, it holds merit in the business realm as well. In his superb book, “Pour Your Heart Into It” Howard Schulz (Chairman & CEO of Starbucks) talked about the fact that Starbucks never set out to create a brand. They set out to create an experience, serving people one cup of coffee at a time.

One of the most respected and financially successful business owners I know recently told me that whenever he made a move in his business (putting on new seminars, creating new DVDs, setting up an online learning center) it was never because he thought it would be a good move strategically but because he felt it would be fun, it would serve his community, and it was the next right thing to do.

So for those of you who (like me) feel like a deer in the headlights when someone says, “What’s your business plan? Where do you want to be in 10 years?” take comfort in the fact that if you focus on trusting your own creative vision and on doing excellent work, you will end up where you need to be and more likely, farther than you ever thought possible.

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