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Super Bowl, Success & 2 Seconds of Fame – Finding Meaning in Your Work

On Super Bowl Sunday here, I’m thinking about what really lasts in any of our lives.

In every profession, there’s a Holy Grail that we hold out as the exemplar of success. For the film world, it’s winning an Oscar. For athletes, it’s a gold medal at the Olympics. And for actors who do television commercials, it’s getting on a Super Bowl spot.

What’s your Holy Grail?

It’s often the subject of your phrase, “If I could just…” or, “If only I had…”

We imagine that once we hold that Holy Grail, all the pieces will fall into place and we’ll be living in some sort of perpetual Shangri-La.

I had my first taste of the illusion of fame in the tiniest of ways when in 1998, as an actor, I landed a role in a Super Bowl ad for Holiday Inn. I was beyond excited. Some colleagues said it would be a landmark in my commercial career, giving me huge exposure to millions of viewers and putting me ahead with casting agents. Some said it would be a blast to shoot. Others said it would bring in tons of money. (As an actor, you get paid each time the spot airs, unless it’s a straight “buy out”.)

Well, none of that happened. It did not make my career: I was barely recognizable in the shot (given lighting, hair, make up and the brief sliver of time on screen) and at the most, casting directors gave me a nod of “congrats” and then it was back to business as usual. It did not make me a ton of money: the spot was yanked from the air right after the Super Bowl. And the shoot was a bit of a chore: we worked long hours for 2 days recreating a jury room scene in a stuffy room, filming from every possible angle…all to gather footage for a 30-second spot.

When the commercial finally aired, it was indeed a high. The high, however, was over in 2 seconds. Literally. My 2 seconds of fame.

So…whatever it is you hold forth as your Holy Grail, remember that it in and of itself will not necessarily last.

What does last: the experience, learning, skills, new perspectives, platform and the creativity, connections and community you develop. If and when you finally hold that Holy Grail, remember that the days behind and those ahead hold a deeper meaning…far more than the sliver of fame that fades as fast as a few frames in a TV ad.

To watch my Super Bowl spot, click the link below, and look for my smirk at the 00:22 second mark. And watch closely, because it’ll be over before you know it.

Super Bowl 1998 – Holiday Inn – Jury Room

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